#IWD International Women’s Rights Day 2022

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There is still work to be done to reduce genderin equality in the workplace.
In France:

  • There are only 29% of women in industry (French Ministry of Industry, 2020).
  • Women earn on average 16.8% less than men for a full-time job (Insee, France 2020).
  • There are no female CEOs in CAC 40 companies.
  • 1 in 3 women is a victim of sexual harassment at work in her lifetime during her lifetime (Ifop, 2018).

In France, the Ministry of Labour is taking action to put an end to wage inequalities between women and men and to fight against sexist and sexual violence.
It is in this context that the Gender Equality Pay Index was created, in order to measure our actions. How is the Gender Equality Index calculated?
How does Dosatron measure up against the index’s evaluation criteria?We tell you all about it.
Dosatron is part of the Ingersoll Rand Women’s Inclusion Group (WING).

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